Mastering the Art of Arms updated with new dagger course


this is just to let you know that the Mastering the Art of Arms subscription, on both Teachable and SwordPeople, has been updated with the new Medieval Dagger course. If you're already enrolled, you should find it in your dashboard. Do let me know if you have any trouble accessing it.

If you're not enrolled (yet), you should know that there are now over a dozen online courses in the package, including:

  • The Medieval Wrestling, Dagger, and Longsword courses,
  • Jessica Finley's Haupstucke course (Liechtenauer longsword),
  • The Complete Rapier course,
  • Solo Training,
  • Medieval Sword and Buckler,
  • As well as footwork, breathing, meditation, and how to recreate historical martial arts from historical sources.

I've priced the subscription (Teachable and SwordPeople) to be affordable, and really good value. But if you need the material but don't have the money (for whatever reason), get in touch with a note about what you can afford, and I'll set something up for you.



Guy Windsor's Swordschool

Dr. Guy Windsor is a world-renowned instructor and a pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts. He has been teaching the Art of Arms full-time since founding The School of European Swordsmanship in Helsinki, Finland, in 2001. His day job is finding and analysing historical swordsmanship treatises, figuring out the systems they represent, creating a syllabus from the treatises for his students to train with, and teaching the system to his students all over the world. Guy is the author of numerous classic books about the art of swordsmanship and has consulted on swordfighting game design and stage combat. He developed the card game, Audatia, based on Fiore dei Liberi's Art of Arms, his primary field of study. In 2018 Edinburgh University awarded him a PhD by Research Publications for his work recreating historical combat systems. When not studying medieval and renaissance swordsmanship or writing books Guy can be found in his shed woodworking or spending time with his family.

Read more from Guy Windsor's Swordschool
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